Verrauchte Stiefel - (3 charges) grants an additional 15% movement speed while stealthed. Tethys' endloser Energietrank - generate 5 energy every 2 seconds.
Garonas geschicktes Gemisch - +20% dodge chance.Jorachs Kampfmixtur - +15% critical strike damage.Valeeras taktischer Trank - +10% critical strike chance Rucksack voller Kampftränke (6 charges) - grants a random 30-minute buff, from among any of the following:.Vergiftete Wurfmesser (8 charges) - similar to Sap, but with a longer range.This can sometimes be looted from the Großer geplünderter Sack. Schattenkunstkappe der Ungekrönten - BoE purple cosmetic hood and mask.Großer geplünderter Sack - often contains gold.Some of the items you can obtain are listed below - many are consumable items, but there is also a Toy: Apparently this can be done until something is looted. Some users have reported that if they DO NOT loot anything in the Vault, they can keep coming back day after day (indefinitely), checking the treasures for that day in the vault.Accessing the vault again on the same day will give you the same choices of treasures.As such, if you are looking for something in particular, try again on a subsequent day. Note that the treasures available rotate daily.Choose wisely! You only get to keep ONE object. These will have a purple glow around them in the vault. The Uncrowned Vault contains various interesting treasures! All items are only usable in the Broken Isles.Įach time you access the vault, you will get to choose between a number of different (random) treasures.
NOTE: If you have sent Marin Noggenfogger (the champion/follower) on an Order Hall mission, he will not appear (to allow you to turn in your ticket/coin) until the mission has completed!
At present (whether working as intended or not) you will not get any choice of treasures with Marin Noggenfoggers Glücksmünze unless you have FIRST used a Tresorticket on that same day! After you've turned in your Tresorticket, you can use as many coins as you want on that day for more chances at treasure. You MUST train Die Schatzkammer Order Hall Upgrade in order to pickpocket these coins! Marin Noggenfoggers Glücksmünze, obtained via pickpocketing in the Broken Isles, will also give you access to the Uncrowned Vault when turned in to Marin Noggenfogger. This gives you access to the Uncrowned Vault within the Die Kammer der Schatten, when turned into Marin Noggenfogger. If you train Die Schatzkammer, the Tier 2 Order Hall Upgrade in Die Kammer der Schatten, you sometimes obtain a Tresorticket on successful completion of an Order Hall mission. There are 2 ways to obtain access to the Uncrowned Vault: If his name is familiar, it's because Marin Noggenfogger is the famous creator of the Noggenfoggers Elixier! Noggenfogger will give you access to the Uncrowned Vault within the Order Hall, which can net you some interesting treasures. It is obtained by training the Die Schatzkammer Tier 2 Order Hall Upgrade. I've heard of this happening before, but I don't know what blizz has done in the past.Kommentar von jjanchanThis item starts a quest ( Ein Ticket für Marin) that can be turned into Marin Noggenfogger in the Schurke Order Hall, the Die Kammer der Schatten. I sent in my ticket, and the game tells me it has been escalated to a character specialist or something. And when I get out, I see no leggings in my bags, and my guild master looter informs me we got kicked before he could click. Our raid is kicked from the instance in order to start the battle for Wintergrasp. I roll a 52 on the item (once again, screenshots abound) and before the item can be masterlooted to my character. So, the item goes up for roll so it can be masterlooted we also have screenshots for this) with approximately 20 seconds left. By this time the only other hunter in the raid had left (my guild has screenshots to confirm this). Among the four pieces of gear dropped were the Deadly Gladiator's Chain leggings (my characrter is a hunter) and unfortunately it was the last item to be masterlooted. We started the raid around 20 minutes before the timer ended to start a new battle for Lake Wintergrasp, and killed the boss with around 1 minute to spare. So, my guild was running a 25 man Vault of Archavon.