I can however see there being trouble for lower end computers. I run it on a mid range PC and have had no issues. I haven't had any issues with the games optimisation. I would not however, recommend this game to people who have tried and disliked arena FPS in the past as it is likely that not enough has changed to make you enjoy it. I would also recommend this game to anyone who has never tried an arena FPS as things like strength allow newer players to have some feeling of success whilst learning the game, whilst hardcore veterans can utilise some of the more exotic mechanics of the mutators to devastating effect.

Overall, I would recommend this game to any and every old school arena FPS fan out there as an incredibly viable, cheap new alternative to games like Quake. The reason I say that this is likely to be fixed is that the developers intend to do some sort of marketing campaign (such as a free weekend) but wanted to wait until they had added a few more things to the game like dedicated severs (which they do now have) in order to ensure it's as successful as possible. As I said at the beginning, it does have the problem that it has a relatively small player base. It takes the core gameplay from games like Quake/Unreal Tournament and puts it in a super good-looking, vastly improved box, using dynamic mutators to get rid of any monotonous, grindy gameplay which some people thought was present in Quake due to a lack of progression. This game - as you may well already know - is an attempt to revive the old school FPS genre. … Expandįast paced, fun, action-packed gameplay is what you can expect from Nexuiz, the only problem being the player base - or lack of it (although Fast paced, fun, action-packed gameplay is what you can expect from Nexuiz, the only problem being the player base - or lack of it (although this is likely to be fixed soonish). I would say buy this, but make sure that your computer can run it. No destructible environments, no continuously changing textures, only 8 people and on minimum settings and IT STILL LAGGED! This game has been out for 2 years they need to optimize it! I can't find anything about this game that a game like tf2, which has absolutely no lag, doesn't have, yet mine can't handle it on minimum settings. On minimum saettings it still was laggy even though this runs the same way a game like tf2 would. This is definitely worth the buy if your computer can handle it, since it doesn't seems optimized at all. These can rage from being invisible to obtaining all weapons to dieing in 1 shot and being given the nex sniper railgun. Also the most imteresting part is the dynamic mutators which will change how the game works. Also, only 2 modes but it doesn't matter, this game is simply about shooting eachother and thats why its fun.

There are only 9 weapons but each one is very distinctly different.

When I first got in it remined me a lot of halo and didn't have most of the mechanics that modern shooters have. When I first got in it At first I wasn't sure it it was gonna be good but it was a free week or whatever on steam so I checked it out.

At first I wasn't sure it it was gonna be good but it was a free week or whatever on steam so I checked it out.